Let’s Do Lunch Ride, Junction Pub, Milton WI
May 2nd Let’s Do Lunch Ride. ½ Day Junction Pub, Milton WI This will be an easy lunch ride. Departs from Uke’s Harley Davidson, Kenosha. Registration starts at 10:00 a.m. and departs at 10:15am. 135miles Ride will include custard at Kravings Waterford WI. Route will be from HD ride planner, back roads, main highways, Caution, be on the lookout. This may turn into a Ut Och Bakat ride.
1. Uke’s Kenosha WI.
2. Mobil 350 N Edwards Blvd Lake Geneva, WI, 53147 40mins 37 miles
3. Junction Pub Milton WI. 45mins 40 miles
3. Kravings Waterford WI 51mins 41 miles
4. https://maps.harley-davidson.com/map/rides/H11uHmLf3_-qf/edit