Let’s Go for Breakfast Ride

this will be a 1/2 day ride for breakfast going to Eggsperience Cafe 2545 Waukegan Rd, Bannockburn, IL, 60015 ride registration at Kwik Trip, Pine St Burlington WI at 8 am, departs at 8:15 am. 130 miles, 4hr 15min
0. Kwik Trip, Pine St Burlington WI
1. Eggsperience Cafe 2545 Waukegan Rd,
Bnnockburn, IL, 60015 55min, 49miles
2. Meggy Moo’s 600 Kenosha Ave,
Walworth, WI, 53184 1hr 18min,
3. Ride converts to the famous Ut Och
Bakat ride for the trip home. Kwik Trip,
Pine St 40min, 26 miles
4. https://maps.harley-davidson.com/map/rides/XB6umz0Ol/edit#

The event is finished.

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Uke’s HOG Room
5995 120th Ave.
Kenosha, WI 53144-7506

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